Task-Based Learning: What Kind of Adventure?
Jane Willis
Aston University, UK |
"Task-based learning is like an adventure--learners surprise
you by coming up with all kinds of things..." "... exploring language
in this way opens up whole new vistas...." These were comments
made by teachers at the end of a recent workshop on using a task-based approach
to language teaching.
Classroom adventures, though often exciting and rewarding, entail elements
of risk that can make things quite scary for the teacher. I want to show
here how this risk can be minimised by principled use of a task-based learning
framework, and then propose a taxonomy to help teachers generate tasks that
will prove fulfilling and challenging but not too risky.
What is a Task?
By task, I mean a goal-oriented activity with a clear purpose. Doing
a communication task involves achieving an outcome, creating a final product
that can be appreciated by other. Examples include compiling a list of reasons,
features, or things that need doing under particular circumstances; comparing
two pictures and/or texts to find the differences; and solving a problem
or designing a brochure.
Tasks can be used as the central component of a three part framework:
"pre-task," "task cycle," and "language focus."
These components have been carefully designed to create four optimum conditions
for language acquisition, and thus provide rich learning opportunities to
suit different types of learners. Figure 1 outlines the roles of the teacher
and learners during a task-based learning (TBL) lesson. Note especially
the degree of teacher control, and the opportunities for learner language
Figure 1: Task-Based Learning Framework
Components of a TBL Framework
Teacher explores the topic with the class, highlights
useful words and phrases, and helps learners understand task instructions
and prepare. Learners may hear a recording of others doing a similar task,
or read part of a text as a lead in to a task. |
Students do the task, in pairs or small groups. Teacher
monitors from a distance, encouraging all attempts at communication, not
correcting. Since this situation has a "private" feel, students
feel free to experiment. Mistakes don't matter. |
Students prepare to report to the whole class (orally or
in writing) how they did the task, what they decided or discovered. Since
the report stage is public, students will naturally want to be accurate,
so the teacher stands by to give language advice. |
Some groups present their reports to the class, or exchange
written reports, and compare results. Teacher acts
as a chairperson, and then comments on the content of the reports. |
Learners may now hear a recording of others doing
a similar task and compare how they all did it. Or they may read a text
similar in some way to the one they have written themselves, or related
in topic to the task they have done.
Students examine and then discuss specific features of
the text or transcript of the recording. They can enter new words, phrases
and patterns in vocabulary books. |
Teacher conducts practice of new words, phrases, and patterns
occurring in the data, either during or after the Analysis. |
Sometime after completing this sequence, learners
may benefit from doing a similar task with a different partner. |
Conditions for Learning
Learners get exposure at the pre-task stage, and a chance to recall
things they know. The task cycle gives them speaking and writing exposure
with opportunities for students to learn from each other.
The task cycle also gives students opportunities to use whatever
language they have, both in private (where mistakes, hesitations, and approximate
renderings do not matter so long as the meaning is clear) and in public
(where there is a built-in desire to strive for accuracy of form and meaning,
so as not to lose face).
Motivation (short term) is provided mainly by the need to achieve
the objectives of the task and to report back on it. Success in doing this
can increase longer term motivation. Motivation to listen to fluent speakers
doing the task is strong too, because in attempting the task, learners will
notice gaps in their own language, and will listen carefully to hear how
fluent speakers express themselves.
A focus on form is beneficial in two phases in the framework.
The planning stage between the private task and the public report promotes
close attention to language form. As learners strive for accuracy, they
try to organise their reports clearly and check words and patterns they
are not sure of. In the final component, language analysis activities also
provide a focus on form through consciousness-raising processes. Learners
notice and reflect on language features, recycle the task language, go back
over the text or recording and investigate new items, and practise pronouncing
useful phrases.
Language Analysis Activities
People have often been under the impression that task-based learning
means "forget the grammar." As we have discussed above, this would
not be a wise move.
The aim of analysis activities is to encourage learners to investigate
language for themselves, and to form and test their own hypotheses about
how language works. In the task-based cycle, the language data comes from
the texts or transcripts of recordings used in the task cycle, or from samples
of language they have read or heard in earlier lessons. Having already processed
these texts and recordings for meaning, students will get far more out of
their study of language form.
Analysis activities can be followed by quick bursts of oral or written
practice, or dictionary reference work (see Willis & Willis, 1996 for
specific ideas). Finally, students need time to note down useful words,
phrases, and patterns into a language notebook. Regular revision of these
will help vocabulary acquisition.
Assessing the Risks
So what risks are there for the teacher? The pre-task stage is normally
teacher-led: little risk of chaos here. Although learners are free to interact
in pairs and groups in the task cycle, there is a firm agenda for them to
follow, such as the achievement of the task goal. A (shortish) time limit
for each phase helps, too. The pressure from the prospect of reporting in
public ensures learner engagement at the interim planning stage. At the
beginning and end of each phase, the teacher assumes full control.
The language focus component does need careful preparation: Whatever
analysis activity is set needs to be done by the teacher beforehand to iron
out problems. More examples can then be found in dictionaries or grammar
books. Sometimes teachers worry that they may not know the answers to incidental
language queries that learners have--there are always some! But learners
can be encouraged to explore these further on their own, or in pairs, or
together with the teacher, with the help of dictionaries, computer databases,
or concordance lines, and then report on them in the next lesson.
Designing Tasks to Promote Language Use
Any topic or theme can give rise to different types of tasks, which can
be generated with the help of the typology shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Typology for TBL Task Design
Each type involves different cognitive processes. The top three types
increase in cognitive complexity from left to right, but are generally cognitively
less challenging than the three at the bottom. These may involve more complex
cognitive operations or combinations of simpler task types.
For example, taking the topic "cats," a listing task
might be: List three reasons why people think cats make good pets. A comparing
task might be to compare cats and dogs as pets. A problem-solving
task could be to think of three low budget solutions to the problem of looking
after a cat when the family is absent. An experience sharing or anecdote
telling task could involve sharing stories about cats.
It is always a good idea to record two or three pairs of fluent speakers
doing (and reporting) the tasks, so that you can choose the best recording,
transcribe it, and use it in class to illustrate features of spontaneous
and planned language. Working with real data is exciting; there are always
discoveries to be made, and here the risk is reduced by having time to prepare
for what crops up in the recording.
TBL offers a change from the grammar practice routines through which
many learners have previously failed to learn to communicate. It encourages
learners to experiment with whatever English they can recall, to try things
out without fear of failure and public correction, and to take active control
of their own learning, both in and outside class.
For the teacher, the framework offers security and control. While it
may be true that TBL is an adventure, it can be undertaken within the safety
of an imaginatively designed playground.
References and Further Reading
For more on how people learn languages (in and out of classrooms):
Ellis, R. (1997). Second language acquisition. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Williams, J. (1995). Focus on form in communicative language
teaching: Research Findings and the classroom teacher. TESOL Journal,
For more on applying a TBL approach, designing tasks, making recordings,
and dealing with typical problem situations:
Willis, J. (1996). A framework for task-based learning.
Harlow,U.K.: Longman Addison- Wesley.
For a fuller paper on the TBL framework, more on consciousness-raising
activities, and many examples of teacher innovations:
Willis, J., & Willis, D. (1996). (Eds.). Challenge
and change in language teaching. Oxford: Heinemann ELT.
copyright © 1998 by the author.
Document URL: http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/98/jul/willis.html
Last modified: July 14, 1998
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