Introduction |
O n
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We proudly showcase the JALT98 logo on the cover of this month's issue,
which combines the July LT and the JALT98 Pre-Conference Supplement.
First, take a look at the articles by the JALT98 Featured Speakers, in which
they introduce the themes of their three-hour workshops taking place on
Friday, November 20th. Next, our Japanese article this month is a study
by Watanabe Yoko of English language as needed by nurses in Japan. Our regular
columns follow, and near the back of this issue, you'll find the Pre-Conference
Supplement. Enjoy!
A number of TLT staff changes have occurred recently. We are grateful
to Nancy Mutoh and Patricia Thornton for their work as proofreaders for
TLT, and are pleased to welcome Michael Cholewinski and David Dycus
to take their places. Jim Swan is retiring from his position as co-editor
of Of National SIGnificance. Thanks very much Jim, for your committed work
for TLT. Tom Merner will take over as English language editor of the column,
adding to his current duties of Japanese language editor for this column
and for Chapter Announcements.
Thanks are also in order to outgoing Editorial Advisory Board members,
Antony Cominos and Carol Rinnert. Both are former editors of The Language
Teacher, and we certainly appreciated them extending their tenure to
review incoming manuscripts.
Coming next month: a special TLT issue on video, guest edited
by Valerie Benson and Randy Davis.
Laura MacGregor
copyright © 1998 by the author.
Document URL:
Last modified: July 10, 1998
Site maintained by TLT
Online Editor