A Chapter in Your Life
This new column focusses on the many unique, vibrant, and incredibly
diverse JALT chapters throughout Japan. You, the grassroots of JALT, will
be at center stage! Share your experiences, achievements, strengths, and
talented members. Familiarize readers with the areas you are interested
in, challenges you have faced and innovative solutions you have found. By
participating, you can facilitate networking, stimulate change, and analyze
improvements needed through your examples and successes. The column editors
welcome 1,000 word profiles of JALT chapters (in English, Japanese, or a
combination of both). Contact them for more details. This month, David
McMurray profiles two struggling JALT chapters, Akita and Tokyo, and
their continuing efforts to recover.
Our Largest and Smallest Chapters Ask For Help
Akita, JALT's smallest chapter (12 members), was placed on probation
last year until it could find new officers and increase its membership.
After considering the improvements made in Akita (which formed a full-slate
of officers and added 6 new recruits) and the pending work to be done (hosting
six presentations), the Executive Board decided to keep the Akita chapter
under protective probation. After considering Tokyo's strengths (with 386
members it is JALT's largest chapter) and weaknesses (no officers), Tokyo
Chapter was placed on probation for 6 months. Here are their stories.
Akita chapter is an outpost for JALT's smallest group of teachers. The
chapter was unable to host even one presentation in 1997, and officers were
unable to hold any business meetings. In 1998, JALT teachers in the area
are overcoming their difficulties with the help of the Internet to boost
communications and cooperating Minnesota State University professors and
regional high school teachers.
Akita Chapter officers and members have a lot to do to shrug their probationary
status and to host an active program in 1998. The JALT Executive Board supports
their efforts though, and they quickly approved a request by David McMurray
(JALT Past-President) to give the Akita team another 6 months to achieve
their goal of surpassing 25 members at their spring start-up meeting set
for April 18, 1998.
So far, Akita has successfully recruited a full slate of officers for
1998 that combines the synergy of previous officers with 3 fresh members.
President Takeshi Suzuki worked the magic to pull the team together and
is pleased to announce the recruitment of Hiruta Hidenori (t: 0188-24-2188)
and Kimura Kaoru of Honjo High School. Mr. Hiruta invites members interested
in upcoming presentations intended for high school teachers to contact him.
Mr. Suzuki would be pleased to hear from supporters at <takeshis@edinet.or.jp>.
The problems facing Tokyo were neither as easy to identify nor to correct
as in Akita. Tokyo has faced falling membership levels for several years.
In headier times they boasted over 600 members. Officers in each successive
year since 1993 have lost members. When the 1997 officers resigned no one
seemed to have the patience or energy to come forward and help in 1998.
One member reasoned it was better to proceed slowly, close down the chapter,
and start it or anew. Another thought forming a larger West Tokyo chapter
and a new East Tokyo chapter would be easier for officers to manage, and
would create fair competition. After discussing these and other ideas on
the Internet, a group of seven dedicated members took the initial step to
become chapter officers. Graham Bathgate took the lead as incoming president.
With over 11 years in Japan and contacts in the British Council he felt
confident he could resurrect the chapter.
Tokyo's first event of 1998 was a CALL N-SIG conference jointly sponsored
with West Tokyo Chapter. The new officers contributed funds to the conference
organizers. Most recently, they mailed out hundreds of letters to teachers
in the area. The chapter will remain on probation for the next few months.
Chapter President Bathgate would be happy to receive your message of support
at <bethlin@gol.com>
copyright © 1998 by the author.
Document URL: http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/98/jul/chapter.html
Last modified: June 24, 1998
Site maintained by TLT
Online Editor