edited by david kluge and oishi harumi
Scrambled Vocabulary for Vocabulary Review
Keith Lane
Miyazaki International College |
Key Words: Vocabulary, Reading, Groupwork
Learner English Level:All
Learner Maturity Level:All
Preparation Time:15-30 minutes
Activity Time:15-30 minutes
After I have taught a lesson which centers on some particular
topic and which introduces a number of new vocabulary items, I generally
want a vehicle to reinforce the learning of these items and often the content
as well in the following session of the class. By duplicating or summarizing
the context in which the vocabulary was learned and understood, recognition
is more likely to occur than if I were to merely write out a list of the
words. In order to retain content and yet focus on individual vocabulary,
I have hit upon the following solution.
Situation: The students have completed a timed reading exercise the content
of which is flamingos. After this, vocabulary was selected for attention
and instruction. In the follow-up class two days later the flamingo text
was provided again on an HOP with the vocabulary "scrambled."
Here is a portion of the scrambled text adapted from Folse's (1996) Beginning
reading practices (University of Michigan Press, p. 14):
Flamingo Scramble
Flamingos live in conieslo or groups. Some of these colonies have over
a thousand birds. Flamingos reducepro once a year. The female ayls one
egg, and for thirty days the parents take turns sitting on the egg. In
the wild, flamingos live for fifteen to twenty years. In captytivi, they
live longer.
Working in pairs, without pencil and paper, students recall the scrambled
words in the correct form and repeatedly practice until they can say the
entire text smoothly. Because the words are never written down, each exposure
to the scrambled hint must induce a process of productive recall, rather
than merely a decoding. This fosters a deeper learning of the word than
can be achieved by mere exposure. Productive recall is aided by the graphic
components of the word; creating a cloze would perhaps achieve the same
aims but too often students are unable to remember or infer the missing
words well enough to activate the recall.
The students were able to offer the replacements colonies, reproduce,
lays, and captivity without teacher intervention and without
resorting to vocabulary notes or the original. I strongly doubt they would
have successfully and universally recalled these words either as a cloze
or translation exercise.
I have found this scrambled vocabulary exercise useful for various levels
and content materials. It is particulary useful for content-based instruction
and thematic units. However, I would like to offer some suggestions. First,
keep the material and activity fairly short. The students should be able
to process and then practice the material in five to fifteen minutes. After
that, interest usually wanes. Second, consider how much you want to scramble
the letter sequences. For example, the word scramble can be made
easy to descramble (scmarble or blescram) or difficult (aebclmrs), depending
upon how many of the letter sequences you distort and how much of the external
structure (the ends) of the words you retain. While difficult versions have
the virtue of leading learners to hypothesize and discover potential letter
sequences (for example, "sbr" is not probable in English), they
can also detract from the process of recall. At first it is better to discover
what is too simple than what is too difficult. Lastly, I highly recommend
that paragraph structure be used. This provides greater contextualization
than listed sentences, and I feel that students have a better feeling for
the semantics of the word as a result.
The utility of this procedure, then, can be accounted for by two factors:
the students are ultimately recalling the vocabulary rather than being given
it, and the scrambled phonological components facilitate recall.
Article copyright
© 1998 by the author.
Document URL: http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/98/jan/sh_lane.html
Last modified: July 8, 1998
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