Using E-Mail with your students
John Bauman
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The increasing importance of electronic communication (e-communication)
via the Internet is something language teachers can't afford to ignore.
The nature of communication is changing, and communication is what we teach.
This article discusses some first steps a teacher can take, once e-communication
has been established. The enhancements to the classroom experience are significant,
and they derive not from the kind of e-communication used, but merely from
the fact of using this new mode. This discussion will be about using the
simplest form of two-way e-communication, e-mail, to replace other communication
Computer Use
In order to retain control of the goals of the class, teachers should
start out with a minimum level of computer use, and not allow the computer
to change their style. Use the computer to do what you already do, but in
a new way, and see what happens.
Basic information about setting up and using e-mail was described recently
in these pages (Newfields, 1996). Warschauer (1995) lays out the basics
of e-mail and many other aspects of the Internet for language teaching.
The procedures for using different systems vary, and pedagogical e-mail
use must rest on a foundation of teacher and student ability to use the
At its simplest, e-mail is nothing more than the sending of written text
from one computer to another. Most teachers now exchange written text with
students on paper. Shifting this to e-mail produces at least two changes
with profound results. First, students and teachers can exchange the texts
between classes, instead of in class. Second, the student writing is received
as a computer text file. The first change allows new sequences of events
in a course; the second allows student texts to be manipulated like any
other computer files. I will discuss both of these changes, and then give
some references to descriptions of additional uses of e-communication for
language teaching.
The Assignment Cycle
Consider an English class that meets once or twice a week. Even in a
class that is not focused on writing, a teacher may well have students write
something between classes as homework. It might be to reinforce what was
covered in class, to follow up on a topic, to anticipate a new topic, to
provide a partial basis for a grade, to add a writing component to the class,
or simply to have some individual communication with students. Whatever
the reason, we're all familiar with those wads of paper that we periodically
haul home from class and have to do something with. With the papers exchanged
in class, a homework assignment initiates a sequence like the following:
Teacher gives assignment.
Students do assignment.
Students give assignment to teacher.
Teacher reads assignment and provides written feedback to student.
Teacher returns assignment
Students read teacher's feedback.
Assuming weekly classes and a link between class activities and homework
assignments, at this point students are reading feedback on an assignment
related to a class that happened over two weeks earlier. If assignments
are given weekly, another assignment has already been completed, and a third
has been given. Student interest in the assignment from Class one may wane.
With electronic text substituted for paper, and this text exchanged by
e-mail, a sequence like this becomes possible:
Teacher gives assignment.
Students do assignment.
Students send assignment to teacher.
Teacher reads assignment and provides written feedback to student. Teacher
returns assignment
Students read teacher's feedback.
The teacher can plan for class 2 having already had two-way communication
with students about class 1.
The students have received feedback from class one's assignment before
class two begins. If the sequence is repeated, there is no overlap; assignment
one is dealt with before assignment two is given.
At first glance, this looks like a lot of work. Indeed, if this kind
of cycle is used in a class that would otherwise have no written homework,
it is a lot more work for everyone involved. But if this cycle is used to
replace a cycle of weekly homework on paper, it's no more work at all. With
one assignment per class, both sequences above will result in the same number
of assignments.
What does change is that the time frame in which to do the work becomes
shorter, for both teachers and students. Therefore, it's very important
to anticipate how a particular class will proceed through this cycle, and
to plan a schedule that is fair to both teacher and students. There are
two important points between classes to schedule, those at which mail is
sent. Here's an example that shows some of the considerations in scheduling
these mailings.
A Case Study
I have a university class that meets on Monday mornings. I know that
all of the students have e-mail access on campus, and some have it at home.
I know that my class is the first class they have on Monday morning. Every
week we go through this cycle.
Monday morning. Class. Homework assigned.
Homework must be done and e-mailed to me by Thursday at 7:00 PM.
Thursday evening I go through all of the homework, react to it, and
return it.
On Friday the students download and read my feedback. There may be something
in it to be done before the next class.
The students mail to me by Thursday evening, and I mail to them, as a
group, later Thursday evening. These times have been chosen considering
my situation and that of my students. I want them to be able to read and
perhaps print my messages before class; therefore, the replies must be available
for download on Friday. It is an imposition to ask them to submit the homework
earlier than they are used to, so I set the deadline as late as possible,
that is, Thursday evening. I have a commitment to deal with homework for
this class on Thursday evenings.
Since the schedule is tighter, it's important to set an exact time as
a deadline. Students won't always meet it, but it establishes a limit on
the teacher's responsibility to respond on time. I know that anytime after
7:00 on Thursday I can go through and respond to the messages in my computer,
and when I'm finished, I've fulfilled my responsibility to the students
who have met the deadline.
Most e-mail programs have a "reply" function. This function
automatically sends your reply to the address that it was sent from. This
greatly facilitates sending mail back to the students who sent it, as long
as they sent it from their own e-mail account. Advise the students that
you will use this reply function to respond to homework, and that they should
send the homework from the same account that they will use to download your
I have found that most students happily meet my requests (to send by
a deadline, to send from their own account, to download replies before class)
as long as I reliably do my part (devise a reasonable schedule, respond
individually, respond on time). The inconvenience of the shorter time frame
is balanced by the positive aspects of e-mail usage.
The first class
Like a chain and its links, a network is only as useful as it is to its
least proficient user. To start getting the benefits of e-mail, both teachers
and students need reliable, consistent, and easy access. Even for new users,
the process should become transparent, so that the learners' effort remains
focused on communication, not the technology. Unless you want the class
to focus on using the Internet (and you may), get communication established
quickly and then just use it. Here are some tips for starting out.
Start in the first class with a hand-out
Determine the capabilities of the students before the term begins. If
they have access, prepare a hand-out with your address, a few questions,
and a deadline. Verify that the deadline will allow the students to download
and print your reply before the next class, and adjust the deadline if necessary.
Explain when the reply will be sent, and ask them to download it.
Don't collect e-mail addresses from your students
A single mistaken character will invalidate an address, so the chances
of collecting and typing a number of addresses without errors is slim. Give
them your address, and make sure it's correct. You will receive their addresses
when they send you a message, and the addresses will be accurate. Inform
the students that you will reply to the address that they send from. If
you only reply using the reply function, you will never have to type an
e-mail address.
Send a timely reply with an activity
Make sure that you keep your end of the bargain by replying to the students
who meet the deadline. Send some questions, or a simple exercise, as part
of the reply. Ask them to print the reply, do the activity, and bring it
to class. This will let you know who has gotten the reply. Use the activity
in your reply as the start of the second class. Even if it just lasts five
minutes, it will let the students who didn't complete the cycle (and there
will be some) know that it's an important part of the class, and should
motivate them to establish communication.
The second change noted above is that the student writings are received
as text files. "Text" in a computer context has a special meaning,
sometimes referred to as "ASCII text" or "plain text."
This kind of text is cross-platform, meaning that any computer and many
different programs can use it. Of course, it can be copied and modified.
Many ideas below take advantage of the flexibility with which electronic
text can be manipulated. Here are some suggestions to get you started responding
to your students' e-mail.
The most important thing is to communicate with the students. Comment
on their ideas. Give your own opinions. Students want opportunities to communicate
and will often send messages beyond what's assigned.
Send some questions. If you want to be sure that the students think about
the questions before class, type each question on a separate line, with
three or four blank lines between them. Ask the student to print the message,
write the answers, and bring it to class. I don't collect these pages, but
use the questions I sent as a basis for conversation in class. Sometimes
I send all the students the same questions, sometimes different ones.
If correct structure is a concern, here's an editing technique. Copy
the student's submission twice. Make an obvious division between them, such
as a row of asterisks. Correct the errors in the second copy and send both
as your reply. Instruct the student to print the message, compare the two
versions, and mark the changes with a highlighter. The changes can be discussed
in class.
Another way to create an exercise from a student's own work is to make
a cloze. Copy the submission twice, as above. In the second copy, substitute
blank lines for some of the errors. Make sure to double-space the cloze.
Send this back to the student and request that it be printed and that the
blanks be filled in.
Like a cloze, almost anything that can be typed as a handout can be formatted
in electronic text and sent by e-mail. The copy and paste functions enable
you to send the same thing to each student. I like to send role plays, so
students have time to read them before class.
After a role play, have the students send a report of what happened.
Be sure to ask them to include the name of their partner. You can compare
the reports of pairs and send each the ideas of the other.
If you assign a problem with an "official" answer, such as
a "Dear Abby" letter from the newspaper, you can type out the
official answer, once, and paste it into your replies. If the students have
interesting and varied opinions about a topic, compile all of the responses
into a single file and send that file to each student. Everyone gets to
read the opinions of everyone else.
When using the paste function to send the same thing to the whole class,
remember that just because part of the message is a "form letter,"
that doesn't mean it can't be personalized. Perhaps the most efficient way
to reply to a class is to have a text that you paste into each reply. Then
add to it or alter it for each student.
A dialog journal works better through e-mail than on paper, since there's
no period when the student is deprived of the journal while the teacher
reads it and responds. Wang (1996) found that students using e-mail communication
asked more questions, used more language functions, and wrote more spontaneously
than did students using paper for a dialog journal. Deal (1995) reports
that electronic journals better aided students in synthesizing their learning
and teachers in understanding students' concerns.
Sample e-mail responses to students illustrating the options described
in the "Responding" section above can be found at<>
Other Uses of E-mail
Finally, here are some references to other ways teachers have used e-mail.
These methods require more than the basic student-teacher text exchange
that this article is limited to.
One of the most popular uses of e-mail is for penpal communication between
students, sometimes referred to as keypals. Students can be paired
with other students in the same class, or with someone anywhere in the world.
See Warschauer (1995, 47-50) for a general discussion and some on-line resources
for finding partners for your students. Warschauer (1995, 107-129) contains
five articles describing keypal projects. Robb and Tillyer(1993) also describes
a keypal project, with a good description of the nuts and bolts of setting
one up. Shiozawa, Imamura, Briss, & Ozeki (1996) describe three keypal
projects recently done in Japan.
More ways of facilitating e-communication between students in a single
class are described in Allan (1995) and Warschauer (1995, Part 1). Students
can simply send mail to each other, or different kinds of e-communications
can be brought in, such as a mailing list, a newsgroup, or a Word Wide Web
Bowers and Werner (1997) describe a way to use HTML and a WWW browser
to respond to a student's writing, while Holmes (1996) describes some techniques
using Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Both of these editing techniques
require the student text to be in electronic form, and, for both, electronic
submission and return of the assignments are possible.
Goodwin, Hamrick, and Stewart (1993) describe an English course for learners
preparing to study English in the United States. The students were able
to begin study with their U. S. teachers while still in their own countries.
Rainey (1996) describes using e-mail, as well as other communication
technology, in a business communication course.
Conrad and Rautenhaus (1994) took advantage of the fact that regular
e-mail usage quickly results in a large amount of student-produced, computer
readable text. They describe using a concordance program with students.
The teacher guides the students in looking for regularities in the language
and deducing the underlying rules. The authors also use the concordancer
to compare the language in the e-mail messages with language in an English
textbook corpus, finding some interesting discrepancies, mostly related
to the greater informality of the language used in e-mail. Wang (1996) is
another good example of research based on analysis of student e-mail.
Some Final Thoughts
E-mail is still a new technology. In Japan, e-mail access is just now
becoming common in universities. For the next few years, teachers who use
it will likely see heightened student interest due to the inherent novelty
of anything new.
In the long term, its effects on the ESL/EFL field are hard to predict.
Students who are in high schools and universities now will spend most of
their adult lives in a world of fast, cheap, easy-to-use electronic communication.
If they use English at all, e-mail will surely be part of their experience,
perhaps a large part. Early research seems to indicate that both native
and non-native speakers use a different kind of English in e-mail, a register
different from written and spoken English, with characteristics of each.
(Conrad and Rautenhaus, 1994; Wang, 1996; Liaw, 1996) Teachers will have
to understand and deal with this register. The language that we teach is
adapting to accommodate the Internet, and, eventually, our teaching will
have to reflect this.
Bowers, R. & Werner,
S. (1997). Using HTML for online editing. Computer Assisted Language
Learning Newsletter (TESOL CALL-IS), 14(1), 1.
Conrad, B. & Rautenhaus, H. (1994). Innovations in
teachers' education: Using the concordancer as a means for students at university
and school level. Paper presented at the meeting of EUROCALL, Karlsruhe,
Germany, ERIC Document #ED 382 023.
Deal, N. (1995). Is the medium the message? Comparing student
perceptions of teacher responses via written and e-mail forms. In Emerging
technologies, lifelong learning, National Educational Computing Conference
'95, 216-218.
Goodwin, A. A., Hamrick, J.Å@& Stewart, T. C. (1993).
Instructional delivery via electronic mail. TESOL Journal, August, 1993,
Liaw, M. (1996). Communicative devices used by EFL students
in e-mail writing. ERIC Document #401752.
Holmes, M. (1996). Marking student work on the computer.
The Internet TESL Journal, 2(9), <>
Newfields, T. (1996). Language teaching and the Internet.
The Language Teacher, 20(10), 40-44
Rainey, C. (1996). Technology in business communication.
In Proceedings of the 1st Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference,
Murfreesboro, TN, 157-167.
Robb, T. & Tillyer, A. (1993). Electronically yours:
Cross-cultural communication through e-mail penpals. Paper presented at
the 27th TESOL Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, ERIC Document No. ED 366
Shiozawa, T., Imamura, H., Briss, S. & Ozeki, S. (1996).
Using computer networks to facilitate communication: Network projects at
Chubu. In On JALT 95: Curriculum and evaluation, JALT, September,
Wang, Y. (1996). E-mail dialog journaling in an ESL reading
and writing classroom. In Proceedings of the 18th National Convention
of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis,
IN, 766-781.
Warschauer, M. (1995). E-mail for language teaching.
Alexandria, VA, TESOL.
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