Edited by David Kluge Oishi Harumi
Using Audiotapes to Assess Student Speech
Robert W. Long III
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Key Words: Speaking, Testing and Evaluation
Learner English Level: False beginner to Advanced
Learner Maturity Level: High school to Adult
Preparation Time: Varies
Activity Time: Varies
As most EFL educators in Japan know, large classes are more
the rule than the exception. These large classes pose serious problems in
the development and evaluation of real communicative abilities in students.
Even when teachers rely on pair-work or various task-based assignments to
develop some communicative ability, large classes make it difficult to give
students immediate feedback regarding their accuracy and to help them identify
alternate modes of expression. The purpose of this article is to discuss
how to use audiotapes to measure and develop communicative abilities. Audiotaped
speech provides a safe medium for students who do not have the interactive
competency that other students might exhibit. Moreover, I have found that
if students are aware that they will be evaluated through audiotapes, they
usually are more engaged and eager when doing daily class activities.
Audiotapes can be used to measure a student's control over specific isolated
functions, functional sequences, speech acts, and conversational routines.
Measuring a student's fluency, pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary use,
and grammatical accuracy is possible in four different ways: (a) evaluating
specific language aspects and speech acts, (b) evaluating controlled or
open conversational routines, (c) evaluating the language used to accomplish
a task-based assignment, and (d) oral testing.
Evaluating Specific Language Aspects
Introducing oneself, asking directions, giving thanks, and saying good-bye
are just some of the language functions that can be done easily by two or
more students at the novice level. At lower levels, several functions and
cued responses should be used, while at higher levels, students should attempt
various kinds of speech acts, from routine descriptions and explanations
to reporting about people and products. With these higher level students,
I have used pictures from Life magazine or newspaper photos and captions
as a means for students to describe and clarify information. Specifically,
in pairs, one student tries to provide basic information from a photo regarding
a person, place, action, time, and reason; while the other student (who
is unable to see the picture) tries to clarify information through who,
what, when, where, why, and how questions. These magazine or newspaper pictures
and short, related captions often can be arranged along basic themes and
tied to the topic of the lesson. Similarly, students can also ask clarifying
questions about company faxes, reports, and memos. (Reporting on a current
event, festival, company, or club is also a viable alternative. As students
progress, they can provide more in-depth bibliographic information on these
events, organizations, and placesÑeven explaining a specific technical process,
business problem, or cultural aspect.
Examining Speech through Conversational Routines
Having students engage in various 'controlled'-and creative conversational
routines is another avenue of assessing their language abilities. Usually
when beginning a class, I would use conversational maps (see Figure 1) which
outline how a particular exchange should proceed.
Conversational Map 1. Introductions, bibliographical information, and
invitation Probable time: 5 to 10 minutes
I. Introduce yourself to each student
II. Give background information about yourself A. your major B. your
hometown C. your hobbies D. your family E. your friends F. a problem
III. Ask a question
IV. Make an invitation
V. Accept or reject an invitation
VI. Say good-bye |
Figure 1. Conversational Map
Over the school year, these maps become more generalized and less controlled;
the purpose is to lead students from tightly organized conversational routines
to more open and realistic exchanges in which they have to improvise and
create interactions with language. Having students act out various role
plays or conversations from textbooks gives teachers a means of assessing
their pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. In order to elicit some creative
language, I have had students imagine how these textbook dialogues can be
extended: students write out various scenarios and read them aloud onto
tape. To generate more interactive exchanges, students can pick a topic
and discuss it with their partner on tape. The recording is passed to another
pair of students who continue the discussion, either agreeing or disagreeing
with what was said or adding other insights, comments, statements, or questions.
This activity can be, to a degree, a measure of some interactive competency
if the students are willing to allow themselves to engage in a spirited
dialogue and make mistakes.
Evaluating Speech Through Task-Based Assignments
Task-based assignments provide interesting possibilities for assessing
a student's language. Some ideas for projects are to have students translate
information, discuss and write advertisements, warranties, and directions
for various products. Likewise, students can survey English majors at nearby
colleges about their opinions on their schooling, American or English culture,
or their difficulties in learning English. Students can tape interviews
with older students in which they elicit advice on how to study: this information
can be discussed on audiotapes. At advanced levels students go to various
businesses which use English and interview various company managers on things
they would like students to learn in preparation for working at their company;
this information is then summarized on tapes. Another task-based project
involves students making oral dialogue journals in which students respond
on tape to questions, statements, problems, current eventsÑeither selected
by a student or by the teacher, who then responds. The tape can change hands
several times before being evaluated.
Finally, formal assessments can be done through audiotapes. Teachers
can opt to do testing similar to the ETS Test of Spoken English (TSEÑthe
commercial version is called SPEAK) in which students answer short biographical
questions, discuss what happens in a series of pictures, label and describe
objects in a picture, finish sentence completions, and read aloud a schedule
or brochure. Vocabulary can be tested in various ways, such as sentence
completions, analogies, cued responses in a dialogue, and story telling.
For evaluation purposes, a recorded speech sample should be approximately
ten to fifteen minutes long to give students ample opportunity to demonstrate
their fluency, their use and range of vocabulary, and their accuracy regarding
pronunciation and grammar. There are numerous ways to evaluate student work
through audiotapes. One option is a discrete assessment that gives students
a detailed record of their communicative strengths and weaknesses (see Appendix
A). The teacher assesses the student's ability to engage in certain types
of speech acts, and also makes comments on the student's pronunciation and
intonation (including the student's ability to pause at correct places and
to adjust speed); vocabulary (range, phrasing, style, use); fluency; and
grammatical control. If an in-depth holistic assessment is not possible,
the teacher can give an effort grade and provide feedback to students on
common errors that turned up in the class, giving a class profile of common
strengths and weaknesses. An effort grade (see Appendix B) is a subjective
assessment of the student time and effort spent making the tape; it is not
concerned, necessarily, with communicative accuracy. In this case, the teacher
determines whether or not the students attempted to do all of the required
items to the best of their ability; brief comments and suggestions are then
A third means of evaluating audiotapes is through longitudinal assessments
(see Appendix C). These are perhaps the most difficult to do since they
require teachers to keep track of student strengths and weakness and on
student improvement from one tape to another. While the focus can be on
the student's ability to gain more control over the language or improve
communicative accuracy, teachers can examine the rate of improvement, identify
problem areas, and give more in-depth suggestions for improvement. Again,
this evaluation is problematic because it requires teachers to have more
detailed records of the student, to know the student better, and to have
tapes which elicit longer and more varied speech. In contrast, limited assessments
do provide teachers with an easy means of evaluation. The teacher listens
for only one or two things, such as pronunciation, grammatical control,
or usage of vocabulary, and then either provides in-depth comments or checks
off from a list particular strengths and weaknesses.
It needs to be said that using audiotapes will not be a panacea for all
the problems found in large oral communication classes: evaluating such
audiotapes thoroughly can be a labor-intensive and time-consuming task.
This can be partly solved by having students turn tapes in at different
times throughout the semester so that not all students are handing their
tapes in at the same time. However, for students who are reluctant, even
hostile, to speak English, audio tapes can be one sure means of getting
past the silence while minimizing any possible embarrassment on the part
of the student. To summarize, audiotaped tasks, tests, and journals can
be a valuable pedagogical tool, one that can produce, if done consistently,
substantive student progress. Most important, since students can listen
to themselves and receive specific feedback on a number of language aspects,
audiotapes can be used as a means of enhancing student awareness of their
own true language abilities.
Article copyright
© 1998 by the author.
Document URL: http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/97/oct/shr_long.html
Last modified: April 24, 1998
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