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The Language Teacher

JALT TESOL 97 Representative (Alternate) Report

Thom Simmons

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David McMurray is actually the TESOL Liaison for 1997 and I am the alternate. However, circumstances beyond David's control intervened and I was the de facto Liaison to TESOL. I made contact with most of the Interest Sections in TESOL, as well as the Korean TESOL, California TESOL, and the Thai TESOL folks. I will continue as the JALT TESOL Liaison and its affiliates in 1998. It is the role of the affiliate liaison officer (the JALT TESOL Liaison) to keep TESOL informed when leadership in the affiliate changes. Since Affiliates have their own independent schedules for elections, TESOL needs updates to keep the appropriate officers informed.

JALT is an International Affiliate of TESOL. The Affiliates pay a yearly fee to TESOL (the amount is based on size and JALT pays the sum of $299 U.S.), submit an annual report, and at least once every two years send delegates to the Affiliate Council (AC), which meets at the Annual TESOL Conference.

JALT deals with TESOL through the Division of Field Services at TESOL Central Office which is responsible for activities that support the relationship between TESOL and its worldwide Affiliates. The Division makes an annual report (this year presented by Teresa O'Donnell) to the Affiliate Council to explain affiliate services and provide an update on Field Services activities on behalf of Affiliates.

TESOL now has 92 affiliates, with 44 in the US and 48 outside the US. The TESOL Central Office keeps a historical file on each affiliate and also assures that affiliates meet the requirements for maintaining affiliate status.

The TESOL Central Office produces the Affiliate News (AN) in September and January. The AN is an avenue for communication between the Directors serving as Affiliate Representatives, Central Office, and the Affiliates. There are additional mailings which include information about TESOL grants and awards, results of the affiliate surveys, nominating forms for the TESOL Nominating Committee and Board of Directors, dues notices, delegate forms, and convention information.

The TESOL Affiliate Council (AC) has specific roles in TESOL. In addition to addressing the specific needs of Affiliates, the AC may discuss and possibly endorse resolutions that have been vetted by the TESOL Rules and Resolution Committee (RRC): the RRC rules on their applicability to TESOL's mission. If the resolution passes the RRC vetting procedure, it is then sent to the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) where it is voted on by the TESOL members who attend the conference (the ABM was called the Legislative Assembly before TESOL revised its bylaws--in effect as of March, 1995--to meet codes of Washington DC, where it is incorporated).

The TESOL Board of Directors are responsible for setting the policies of TESOL, including governance and forward planning. They have various committees to keep them informed and provide support for TESOL projects and activities. Affiliates are represented on the TESOL Board of Directors by three Directors serving as Affiliate Representatives (collectively known as the Affiliate Coordinating Committee). In the past, nominations for these positions were made at the affiliate council meeting. However, that has changed and affiliates may now make nominations through the TESOL Nominating Committee

TESOL Affiliates may send proposals for resolutions to the Chair of the RRC. The resolution must be signed by the Affiliate President and ten verified voting members in good standing of that affiliate. The proposed resolution must then be submitted to the Chair of the RRC at least thirty (30) days before the beginning of the Annual Convention.

I would like to thank Teresa O'Donnell, former Director of Field Services and now the Deputy Executive Director; Carol Eppes, Assistant to the Secretary; Susan Bayless, Secretary; and Molly Kirby, Field Services Coordinator, for taking the time to read and revise this report. This report should take precedence over the earlier report in the March, 1997 JENL. Molly Kirby, Field Services Coordinator, is now responsible for communicating with Affiliates. She can be reached at:

TESOL Central Office, 1600 Cameron Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314-2751 USA
TEL: 703-518-2527 (voice)
FAX: 703-836-7864

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Last modified: November 18, 1997
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