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We welcome new listings. Please submit conference information in Japanese
or English to the respective editor by the 15th of the month, three months
in advance (four months for overseas conferences). Thus, November 15th is
the final deadline for a February conference in Japan or a March conference
overseas. Contact Randall S. Davis ( to submit a new listing to the Conference Calendar. The first listing
can be as far as two years in advance.
November 14-16, 1997
The Sixth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching: Meeting
the Challenges of Educational Reform: Problems and Prospects in ELT. The
sponsor is the English Teachers' Association of the Republic of China (ETA-ROC),
and will be held at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. Contact:
Yiu-nam Leung <>
or Johanna E. Katchen <>
at Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu 30043, Taiwan ROC. Fax: 886-3-5718977.
November 18-20, 1997
English for Specific Purposes: Meeting the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow.
Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Fees: presenters, US $130
or RM 320; participants, US $150 or RM 370. Chairperson ESP '97. Dept. of
Modern Languages, Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Locked Bay 791, 80990 Johor Bahru, Johor
Darul Takzim, Malaysia. Contact: <M-NABIDA@UTMJB.UTM.MY>
or Barbara Dobson <>.
November 28-29, 1997
International Symposium on Bilingual Education: Learning Through Two Languages:
Research and Practice. Main Speaker: Professor Jim Cummins, University of
Toronto. Katoh Gakuen, 1979 Jiyugaoka, Ooka, Numazu, Shizuoka JAPAN 410.Tel:
0559-22-0720. Fax: 0559-25-4316. Contact: <>.
January 22-24, 1998
The 18th Annual ThaiTESOL International Conference: Maximizing Learning
Potentials. J.B. Hotel, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. Contact: ThaiTESOL
c/o Naraporn Chan-Ocha, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute. Phaya
Thai Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand. Fax: (66)(2)218-6027, (66)(2) 252-5978.
Tel: (66)(2)218-6100, (66)(2) 218-6027. E-mail: <
March 17-21, 1998
TESOL '98 Annual Conference: Connecting Our Global Village. Seattle, Washington,
USA. Contact TESOL, 1600 Cameron St., Suite 300, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.
Tel: +1-703-836-0074. Fax: +1-703-836-7864. E-mail: <>.
Homepage: <>.
March 26-29, 1998
The 3rd Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF98). Aoyama Gakuin
University, Department of English. Preregistration deadline: February 1,
1998. Peter Robinson, Aoyama Gakuin University, Department of English, 4-4-25
Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150. E-mail: <>.
Homepage: <http://www.als.aoyam>.
April 14-18
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL).
Manchester, UK. Contact IATEFL, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Kingsdown Park, Whitstable,
Kent, CT5 2DJ, UK. Tel: 44-0-1227-276528. Fax: 44-0-1227-274415. E-mail:
Homepage: .
July 13-17, 1998
WorldCALL, the Inaugural World Conference of Computer-Assisted Language
Learning. University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia. Contact: Fauth Royale
& Associates Pty Ltd PO Box 895, North Sydney NSW Australia 2060. Tel: +61-2-9954-4544.
Fax: +61-2-9954-4964. Email: <>.
Web: <http://www.arts.unimel>.