The Group Video Presentation Project
Yoko Shinohara
Kwansei Gakuin University
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Key Words: Technology-assisted Language Learning, Speaking, Group Work
Learner English Level: Intermediate
Learner Maturity Level: Jr. High School and above
Preparation Time: Varies
Activity Time: 15-30 minutes
Video tapes are utilized in English classes in various ways, whether commercially
made or custom-made by a teacher. They provide such benefits as giving visual information
to help the students' understanding, cultural aspects of language learning set within
complementary situations, some paralinguistic features which add meanings to what
is said, as well as examples of varieties of English spoken in a natural way.
This video presentation project suggests an additional use of video tapes which gives
the students an opportunity to create their own films. It aims to help the students
observe their own utterances and self-monitor their actual communicative abilities
in English by introducing one aspect of their campus on a video which is presented
in class. Having to utilize spontaneous English skills and strategies for authentic
communication outside the class, and comparing their language use to that of others
helps the students identify their levels of communicative competence. It also assists
them to become independently aware of the gap between their current proficiency and
their personal standard of competence.
1. In the first class session, the students are randomly numbered off and divided
into groups of four or five. Handouts describe the project and explain what is expected
of students.
2. In the second session, each group announces their topic--the particular spot on
campus that they will introduce on the video; if the topics overlap, the problem
can be solved by negotiation by dividing the particular topic into parts or reorienting
one group toward a new topic.
3. Each group of students reserves a video camera two weeks before, and checks it
out for filming one week before the day of the presentation.
4. Each group prepares a blank video tape and confirms that the battery is fully
charged. Depending on the group topic, the students may have to obtain permission
from the university.
5. The group makes an outline of their report, discusses the basic script, practices
it, and records the introduction to the location on the video. They are also encouraged
to talk spontaneously to the camera, and if possible, interview people on campus
in English. The only condition is that they should include a map and give directions
of how to get to the destination from the main gate of the university. The film should
be no longer than about eight minutes as this also factors into the descriptive presentation
procedure of the video and the amount of class time that will be needed.
6. On the day of the presentation, one group shows their video report. Since the
main focus of this project is not to create perfectly edited tapes, they are allowed
to fast forward the unnecessary parts in order to avoid redundancy. In addition to
showing the video film in class, the presenting group prepares a quiz with five questions
to check the audience's comprehension. The quiz encourages the presenting group to
create a comprehensible report for the peer audience and to objectively review their
product. It also helps maintain the audience's attention to the report. The quiz
papers are graded by the group members, and they report the scores to the teacher
the following week.
7. The group submits a written report on the presentation day, outlining the process
of their group work. They are also expected to review the difficulties they faced,
how they overcame the problems as a group, and what they learned though the process.
The script should be attached to their written report.
On the handout, the students are clearly informed of the standards for success. The
video report is assessed by both the teacher and their peers. An assessment sheet
is distributed to the audience after watching the video report. The sheet has points
on a scale from 1 to 5, and asks about such variables as preparation and organization,
the quality of information, the effectiveness of the map, length, sound quality,
and the members' cooperation. The teacher evaluates the student-made quiz, checking
the number of questions, coherence in relation to the content of the film, and grammar.
The class average of the quiz given by the presenting group is also added as a part
of the group grade. The written report is evaluated by the teacher on whether they
objectively reviewed the process and whether they illustrated appropriate details
to introduce the topic. In addition such systematic elements as diction, grammar,
spelling, and punctuation are evaluated. The students' and teacher's assessment of
the video, points awarded for the quiz, and the written report are totaled up and
given as the group grade, so all of the group members receive the same grade.
Results and Suggestions
The project provided the students with opportunities to observe their current speaking
ability in English. According to the results of a survey which was carried out at
the end of the semester, students faced difficulties and disappointment, yet they
enjoyed working together to create the video film and watching their own and other
groups' presentations. Some of them found that they were nervous in front of the
camera and spoke "unbearably poor English," while others realized that
they could not speak as well as they had expected. Many students were disappointed
with their ability in communicating orally in English. In addition, the students
faced difficulties in managing their time and handling the video camera. Nevertheless,
they interpreted this opportunity in a positive way. They commented that they realized
the necessity of practicing communicative skills as opposed to displaying grammatical
knowledge which had been obtained through the preparation the students had undergone
for entrance examinations. Also many of the students commented that this project
was useful and interesting, and suggested that it should be incorporated in the class
next year.
The initial goal of this project was to help the students self-monitor their utterances
and to raise their awareness of their learning and using English. However, it can
be implemented for learner training purposes, such as enhancing cooperative learning
skills and guiding learners to consciously utilize learning strategies. The difficulties
the students underwent in managing time to work collaboratively and handling the
video camera indicate that they need training in learning. For instance, many students
found it difficult to negotiate for the working time among the group members outside
the class. This fact implies that this project is an opportunity for them to learn
how to reach a consensus toward a shared goal, to analyze the steps to take, and
to split responsibilities in order to efficiently complete the assignment as a group.
Likewise, the students often complained about batteries with a low charge, despite
the fact that they had been clearly cautioned on the handout that they should fully
charge the battery by themselves before going out to do the recording. In terms of
feedback, it does allow the teacher to analyze the comments and use their complaints
to help them improve the planning process for a smoother working environment. The
students will learn that well-organized, careful preparation and effective utilization
of resources lead to a more satisfactory result. Depending on the teacher's focus,
this project can be utilized for various purposes.
All articles at this
site are copyright © 1997 by their respective authors.
Shinohara, Y. (1997). The group video presentation project. The Language Teacher,
21 (7), 39-40.
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Last modified: July 18, 1997
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