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Language Teacher

The Language Teacher

Introduction The

JALT96, Crossing Borders, is just around the corner, and this issue of The Language Teacher gives you a very fine introduction to several of our Main and Special Speakers -- by the speakers themselves. The names of our three Main Speakers, Julian Edge, Teruhisa Horio, and Braj Kachru, should be familiar to all of you by now.

Julian Edge, generously sponsored by The British Council, brings to JALT96 his wide experience in all areas of English language teaching. Teruhisa Horio, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo and Professor at Chuo University, is an international authority on global education. Braj Kachru, Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is one of the foremost scholars in the field of world Englishes. He has pioneered, shaped, and defined this field of inquiry.

Another jewel in JALT's conference crown is the participation by a delegation of scholars from UNESCO Linguapax. We are honored to host three speakers who come to JALT96 with the support of UNESCO: Felix Marti, Director of the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain, President of the International Linguapax Committee, and active promoter of language teaching for peace and international understanding; Albert Raasch, Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Saarbrucken, Germany, and international expert in language teaching and peace education; and Denis Cunningham, Distance Education, Victorian School of Languages, Australia, and Linguapax expert in CALL and language teaching technology.

The Conference officially begins with the Opening Ceremony on Saturday morning, November 2nd, followed by a Keynote Address by Felix Marti. During the three days of the conference, you will be faced with a wide choice of activities: over 350 presentations, workshops, colloquia and roundtables await your participation as well as poster sessions, meetings, employment opportunity sessions, and social activities. Plan to spend some time at the Educational Materials Exposition, where the Associate Members of JALT will show you their latest educational materials and other wares.

Now, the only thing missing from JALT96 is you -- whether it is your first JALT conference or your twenty-first (or second), I guarantee you will come away with fresh perspectives on language teaching and learning.

Laura MacGregor
JALT96 Conference Program Chair


Article copyright © 1996 by the author.
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Last modified: October 12, 1996
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