Using Reflection/Review Journals in Japanese Classrooms
Eric Bray & Kenton Harsch
Kansai University & University of
Hawai'i at Manoa |
The reflective teacher paradigm is an area of teacher development
that has been given a great deal of attention in recent years. Some student
teachers and teacher trainers have found that keeping a journal to aid reflection
on their experience added depth to their understanding of the teaching/learning
process (Holten & Brinton, 1995; Richards & Lockhart, 1994). As
a result, some teachers have experimented with having their students reflect
in writing using reflective journals (Carroll, 1994), and learning logs
(Gottleib, 1995; McNamara & Deane, 1995) to raise student awareness
and increase autonomy.
In this article, we will discuss a type of journal we have developed
called a "Reflection/Review Journal" -- a multi-purpose tool designed
to aid the reflective efforts of both teachers and students while also encouraging
the development of students' language skills. Before describing the benefits
to teachers and students who use the journal, we will briefly outline how
the journal came to have its present form.
Development of the Reflection/Review Journal
In our first attempt to use a reflective journal we used an open format
in which we asked our university Oral English students to write every week
about their experiences learning or using English. By the end of the year,
we found that few students had consistently written anything reflective
or insightful. Carroll (1994), who used an open format similar to ours,
reported similar results: "Of the 29 students, 16 kept some form of
a journal, and of these I judged 11 to be reflective journals" (p.
20). Since many students seemed unclear about what to write, we decided
to provide clearer guidelines for reflection (see also Matsumoto, 1996).
After reviewing the work of Slimani (1989, 1992) and Nunan (1995), we
changed our journal format to a worksheet containing specific questions
for students to answer (see Appendix). In addition to questions for reflection,
we also included questions asking students to recall and use important words,
phrases, or patterns encountered in the lesson, since review of important
material is a learning strategy often overlooked by students. Whereas in
the first year we had asked students to work on their journals outside of
class, with the new format we decided to have students do the journals during
the last 10 to 15 minutes of class while the experience was still fresh
in their minds.
We found that this new question-based journal format was clearly an improvement
on the original format, and what follows is a discussion of the benefits
of using the Reflection/Review Journal (see Figure 1 for an overview), followed
by practical considerations for designing and using this type of journal.
Figure 1
Benefits to Teachers
Awareness of the Learning/Teaching Process
Teaching is a dynamic profession where change is a matter of course.
Whether we are innovators of change or are merely trying to keep up with
it, one of the keys to success is the growth of our awareness and understanding
of the language learning/teaching process (Freeman, 1989). Typically, when
we as teachers observe what happens in class and reflect on it, our understanding
grows. This new understanding can serve as a basis for change in our teaching
methods or goals. Such an informal approach to teacher development, however,
has limitations: a) in class, we can only be in one place at a time, so
we are limited in what we can observe; b) after class, reflection is constrained
by memory; and c) our point of view as teachers has a significant effect
upon our observations and reflections. The latter point seems particularly
true in Japanese classrooms, where students are generally reluctant to ask
questions or offer feedback. Reading students' journals provides another
window into the learning process, through which we can see what students
feel is important about their experiences in class, and thus our objectivity
can increase. We can also become more aware of the learning styles and problems
of particular students.
In most cases, reading the journals and reflecting on the lessons tended
to confirm or reinforce our existing hunches/hypotheses about language learning,
rather than resulting in ground-breaking revelations about language learning
and teaching. For example, in Question 2, we asked students to recall and
take note of important words, phrases, and grammatical patterns from the
lesson. We found that lexical items were reported much more often than grammatical
patterns. This result may reflect the way we taught our classes, but it
could also confirm the commonly held assumption (e.g., Hatch, 1978) that
intermediate learners are acutely aware of their need to learn vocabulary.
It was also interesting that several students consistently noted lexical
items and patterns that were neither mentioned by the teacher nor included
in the class material. As these items, more than likely, had come from other
students, it further reinforced for us the value of pair and group work.
Neither of these observations resulted in new insights, but we found
that when our own experience confirmed our hypotheses, it led to a deeper
and more personalized understanding of the area in question. Additionally,
reflecting on students' work in the journals can lead to changes and adjustments
in how one teaches, as illustrated in the following section.
Feedback For Making Adjustments in Teaching
There are several ways that using the journals helps teachers get useful
feedback. First, reflection on students' work in journals can lead to changes
in how material is presented in general. For example, Item 3 was specifically
designed to encourage students to try to use new words, phrases and patterns.
From the outset we assumed that students would sometimes use these items
incorrectly. Nevertheless, when reviewing this section of the journal, we
often noticed a connection between how we had presented the vocabulary and
the sentences students wrote. This led us to change the way we presented
important vocabulary so as to include, whenever possible, examples of appropriate
use of the word or phrase in context.
Second, reading the journals can also provide teachers with valuable
feedback about specific activities. For example, a complaint often voiced
by English teachers in Japan is that students rarely let the teacher know
when they don't understand instructions. As a case in point, one of the
authors used a dictation activity to practice clarification questions, and
felt it had gone rather well. However, after reading the journals, he realized
that a few students had completely misunderstood the purpose of the task.
They had not realized that the dictation activity was designed to practice
the clarification questions they had just been introduced to; on the contrary,
they thought they had to write every word just by listening. As the journals
contained this useful feedback, it was possible to correct the misunderstanding
in the next class.
A third point is that occasionally students make suggestions in the journals
(e.g., "I'd like you to change our partners yourself. It's hard for
us to go to someone we haven't talked to before," and "Sometime
can we have whole group discussion instead of small groups?"). These
suggestions helped us adjust our teaching to better meet the needs of particular
groups of students.
Additional Basis for Evaluating Student Progress
It is very difficult to measure effort and improvement in classes that
are large, or are of mixed levels. Quizzes and tests, either written or
oral, too often show us how much students knew before entering our classes,
but not necessarily how much they have learned. Evaluating learners based
on class participation can too easily become a subjective measure of personality.
Reading students' journals provides the teacher with another view of students'
effort and improvement, complementing other methods of evaluation effectively.
Improved Rapport with Students
Another problem with large classes is that it can be difficult for teachers
to establish good relationships with individual students. The journals provide
a solution by serving as a non-threatening forum for authentic communication
between students and their teacher. Over time, this can lead to better rapport
with the class as a whole, and make the classroom environment more conducive
to learning.
Possibilities for Classroom-based Research
This journal format can also be very helpful for teachers who want to
do classroom-based research. By writing specific journal questions about
areas one wants to explore, the teacher can systematically collect data
to use in the action-research spiral of "action-observation-reflection-change"
posited by Kemmis and McTaggart (1988). This feature will be discussed at
greater length in the section on "Journal Design and Other Practical
Benefits to Students
The two main benefits to students who use the Reflection/Review Journal
are expressed in the name we have given it, and are also consistent with
the two primary goals of a learner-centered curriculum as elucidated by
Nunan (1988) -- that learners develop "a critical self-consciousness
of their role as active agents in the language learning process", as
well as language skills (pp. 134-5).
Reflection Leading to Greater Awareness and Autonomy
Beginning with the first goal stated above, several teachers have written
how having students reflect on their language learning has helped to raise
learner awareness and increase autonomy (Carroll, 1994; Gottleib, 1995;
Weisner, 1996; McNamara & Deane, 1995). This seems particularly important
in Japan where students are accustomed to a rather passive, teacher-centered
learning style more akin to lecture classes. Students often seem to come
to foreign language classes expecting to be somehow "given" English.
With this situation in mind we included a question in the journal asking
students to reflect on what was difficult for them in the lesson (Item 5).
By "thinking aloud" on paper, students can become more aware of
their needs and problems, and from there it is a short jump to considering
solutions. One student complained of lacking vocabulary for discussing current
events, but in the next sentence suggested a possible solution by asking,
"Do you think it would help to watch CNN?" Of course, when a student
can't make the jump, the teacher can suggest solutions or learning strategies
appropriate to the student's current needs.
Review/Use Leading to Language Development
The other main goal of a learner-centered curriculum is for students
to develop language skills. This has traditionally been the primary goal
of language teaching. Learners who have accomplished the difficult task
of becoming proficient in a foreign language usually say that it required
a lot of hard work and study. However, it seems that in the race to move
on to new material, the basic language learning strategy of reviewing important
material in order to consolidate learning is often overlooked by students
and teachers alike.
Particularly in the area of vocabulary acquisition, research shows that
repeated contact with a word is necessary in order to learn it, (Crothers
& Suppes, 1967; and Saragi, Nation & Meister, 1978; cited in Nation,
1990). Extensive contact with the foreign language through reading or listening
can provide the necessary input over time, but a more efficient strategy
would be to review repeatedly those words, phrases and patterns one would
like to acquire. Hence, we have included in this journal a section (Item
2) where students recall and write down new and important language items
encountered in the lesson, and then circle the most important items for
review later.
Work on memory by Craik and Lockhart (1972) indicates that repeated contact
may not be as important a factor in vocabulary learning as the "depth
of processing" when working with the new language item. For example,
recalling a word (Item 2) requires more depth of processing than merely
reading it from a list, and creating a sentence in which the word is used
(Item 3) would require more depth of processing again. Thus, Item 3 is important
because it is through usage and the depth of processing required that semantic
associations are accessed and elaborated, and this, according to Craik and
Lockhart, leads to better memory of the item.
Usage is also important to learners as it encourages them to develop
their knowledge of the word. Nation (1990) has written extensively on what
it is to "know a word" and suggests that this knowledge is elaborate
and includes various meanings of a word, how the word functions in grammatical
patterns and collocations, as well as issues of appropriacy. Students' attempts
to use the words, phrases or structures in context are an expression of
their developing interlanguage and thus will contain errors. Interlanguage
is characterized as being a "temporary system that is restructured
as the learner tests hypotheses and adds, drops or modifies rules as a result
of these trials" (O'Malley, Chamot and Walker, 1987, p. 301).
It has been posited that this restructuring occurs when students "notice
the gap" between their understanding of a language item and what they
encounter in input (Schmidt & Frota, 1986), and that the teacher may
be able to aid in this restructuring process by drawing students' attention
to incorrect usage. Ellis (1995) expands on this notion by suggesting that
language development not only involves disconfirming incorrect hypotheses
in the interlanguage, but also confirming correct ones, a process which
he calls "cognitive comparison." Hence, by working on the review/use
section of the journal, and noting where the teacher did, and did not make
corrections, students' interlanguage should gradually develop.
One last point is that, although timely corrective feedback is important
to students, it is normally difficult to give, because of class size. Also,
many teachers prefer not to correct students during fluency-based tasks,
either so as not to interrupt communication, or because they believe that
students find it difficult to attend to, or remember, correction while focusing
on the demands of a communicative task. Item 3 addresses these concerns
by providing a non-threatening forum for corrective feedback where the teacher
can give students the personalized help they need to gain a better understanding
of how important language items function in context. (It should be noted
that Item 3 is the only section of the journal where we suggest correcting
students' writing.)
A Forum for Communication
The journal also serves as a forum for communication in which students
can get advice and answers to questions. We have included an open question
(Item 6) asking students to note any questions about the lesson, English,
or language learning in general. Basic questions about the teacher's life
and culture also tend to come up here. This section is useful as it encourages
students to think about what they would like to know, and communicate this
to the teacher. This helps them to get the information and advice they need,
while also satisfying, to some extent, the desire many students have to
communicate more directly with their teacher.
Another way that the journals can be helpful is when students have unrealistic
expectations for their language learning and become discouraged. For example,
one of the authors used a short excerpt from a film in class, and a student
wrote in her journal that she couldn't understand most of what the actors
were saying. Here it was explained that the goal for this activity was not
that students understand everything, but rather, that they be exposed to
patterns and vocabulary to be used in the speaking activity to follow. It
was then suggested that, if the student wanted to, she could do more intensive
listening practice with the film in the language lab or at home. In situations
like this, the teacher can provide a useful reality check for students by
helping them to maintain realistic expectations for their language use and
learning (McNamara & Deane, 1994).
Journal Design and Other Practical Considerations
So far in this paper we have discussed the benefits of using a particular
type of reflective journal format, that we a call a Reflection/Review Journal.
In order to help maximize success with this type of journal, we have several
suggestions regarding its design and use.
Teachers may want to include questions or tasks according to their interests
or their students' needs. Journals can be exploratory in nature, or they
can be designed as a research tool to collect data to answer specific questions.
For example, if teachers were working on having students develop language
learning strategies, they could explore this area by including a question
where their students report any language learning strategies they have used
in the previous lesson or past week. However, if teachers wanted to do more
focused action-research in this same area, they could use the journals with
two classes, utilize a different approach to teaching about learning strategies
in each class, and then compare the two classes' journal entries in this
section (Noel Houck, personal communication).
Teachers can also include questions targeting specific problem areas
where they want to raise students' awareness. In classes where excessive
use of Japanese is a problem, teachers could include a question like, "How
much English did you use in class today?" If student effort is a problem,
teachers could ask students to reflect on this by answering a question like,
"How hard did you work today?"
Students' efforts on the journal itself will directly relate to the benefits
they derive, so teachers may want to tell students that an evaluation of
effort put into the journal will factor into the final grade for the course.
Initially, it is important for teachers to explain to students why they
must do the journals, and perhaps give them a few model journal pages that
are particularly well done. In order to reinforce the importance of the
journals, students could be allowed to use them when doing quizzes and tests.
Another approach would be for the teacher to work on his or her own journal
during the time that students work on their journals.
Practically speaking, it is important to remember when designing journals
that the number and difficulty of tasks or items is directly proportional
to the time it will take both teacher and students to complete them. By
limiting the number of items, the teacher is more likely to get quality
reflection from students and also be able to give quality responses. We
usually have the students work on the journals in the last 10-15 minutes
of class, and either read them while they work, or collect them to be read
outside of class. For teachers with large classes or busy schedules, using
journals with one or two classes will give ample material for reflection
without adding too much to their work load.
Just as using a warm-up activity at the beginning of class has become
standard procedure for many teachers, we have found that working on the
journals at the end of class creates a clear closing activity which focuses
students on consolidating what they have learned that day. Thus, it has
become a valuable part of our daily classroom routine. Though working with
the journals requires some extra work by the teacher and valuable minutes
of students' class time, we feel the benefits to both teachers and students
are well worth the effort.
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Student Reflection Journal
1. What did today's lesson focus on?
2. What new words, phrases, or patterns did you work with today?
(now circle the ones you want to review later)
3. Write three sentences using the new words, phrases, or patterns.
4. What else did you learn today?
5. What was difficult for you to do today?
6. Do you have any questions about this class, English, or language learning
in general? |
Eric Bray can be contacted at: 3-35 Yamate-cho
3-chome, Suita-shi, Osaka. 564.
Kenton Harsch can be contacted at:
copyright © 1996 by the author.
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