The Language Teacher
August 2002

Gone Globe-trotting

Shiao-Chuan Kung

Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages (Taiwan, Republic of China)



Key Words: World Factbook, Internet, treasure hunt, scavenger hunt
Learner English Level: Beginner
Learner Maturity Level: Upper elementary school and above
Preparation Time: The time needed for the teacher to become familiar with the content and design of the World Factbook website.
Activity Time: 1 hour
Materials: At least one computer with Internet access for every two or three students, copy of crossword below.


The World Factbook is a reference book on countries around the world published by the Central Intelligence Agency. It contains current data on each countryfs geography, people, government and economy. This lesson seeks to introduce students to the electronic version of the World Factbook and to practice Internet searching skills. Students will need computers with a web browser and Internet access. Depending on the number of computers available and the size of the class, students can work individually or in teams of two or three.


Step 1: Introduce the activity by asking the students to name two countries where English is spoken.

Step 2: Ask the students where those countries are located and what the names of the capital cities are.

Step 3: Have the students launch their web browsers and point to the web site

Step 4: Point out what data regarding each country can be found in the World Factbook and demonstrate how to locate information about a particular country.

Step 5: Assign the following crossword puzzle.

Step 6: Circulate around the classroom addressing technical difficulties or answering questions.

Step 7: Go over the answers before the end of class.




3. Ethiopia
4. Argentina
7. Malaysia
10 Indonesia
1. Spanish
2. Sarajevo
5. Indonesia
6. Turkish
8. Arabic
9. Danes

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