The Language Teacher
July 2002

Classification Game

Erin Burke

Aichi Gakuin University


Here is a fun, 10 minute, warm-up activity that gets the students classifying things in preparation for lessons on describing.

Divide students into Student A and Student B pairs. Give Student A, a piece of paper with categories written on it such as: things that are red, things that have holes in them, things that smell bad. There should be enough space below each one to write a list of five or six words that fit in the category. Student B has a page with a different set of categories such as: things with four legs (always a stumper if they don't think to add inanimate objects such as tables and chairs), things in the fridge, things that improve with age. Each student gets five minutes to write as many words as they can under each category. After, they take turns reading out each list of words to their partner, who has to try and guess what the category is.

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