The Language Teacher
04 - 2001

Net Nuggets

eidited by Larry Davies

Kitchen Sink SL/FL Sites

There are many new Second Language learning sites springing up all over; many are commercial, but some continue to remain in the public domain. Here is a sampling of three that include links to many other resources.

<> This site, run by Judie Haynes, is a depository for myriad resources that would be of interest to teachers of English, but also to teachers of other languages. Categories within the site that hold many interesting and valuable resources include "Lesson Plans," "Teaching Tips," "Resource Picks," "Discussions," and "Upcoming Events." There is also a "Recent Features" section that changes often, so it is worthwhile visiting this site monthly.

<> This is "Keiko Schneider's Bookmarks" run by Keiko Schneider (naturally) out of her New Mexico hideaway. This page, part of a tri-lingual website (English-Japanese-Spanish) contains comprehensive links of resources for English speaking teachers of Japanese, Spanish, and English. You can also join her mailing list "SenseiOnline" which now boasts over 300 members (send a blank message to <> to join the list). Keiko is now a virtual conference organizer, too, and has recently completed her 8th Benkyoukai.

< Language=En> One link I followed from Keiko's site led me to Rikai. This is an amazing source for learning Japanese, so Japanese SL teachers will be delighted. The site makes extensive use of Javascript, so that you can point to any word on the page to see an instant translation. The site does English-to-Japanese, Japanese-to-English, and English-to-Spanish translations of all its pages. Worth a visit for novice htmlers to learn some cool tricks in their own web design of SL/FL pages.

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