The Language Teacher
05 - 2000

JALT, My Vehicle

Seike Masaki

Have you ever felt a strong desire to become more than you are? Well, I have. I teach at Matsuyama School of Business in Ehime and am Publicity Chair for Matsuyama Chapter. When I became actively involved with JALT in 1996, I was at a local English school and eager to expand my teaching skills and meet new people. I joined Matsuyama Chapter after a meeting on using the Internet in English lessons. Since then, I have discovered so many ways to teach and learn English and have met numerous professionals who have guided me through my English studies.

In 1998, one of my students and I entered an International Schools CyberFair competition. Our website introduced our local culture and specialities and believe it or not, we won second place. This year again, we came in third. Through making these websites, I have talked with many JALT members and received tremendous help from them. I now maintain the Matsuyama Chapter website and update members' information. JALT is my vehicle to develop my teaching as well as learn language beyond the year 2000.

CyberFair Website:

Our CyberFair Projects:

Kumanodai Class Website:

All materials on this site are copyright © by JALT and their respective authors.
For more information on JALT, visit the JALT National Website