The Language Teacher
05 - 2000

More than Language Learning

Komatsuzaki Michiko

About 15 years ago, when Ibaraki Chapter was founded, I joined JALT, seeking an opportunity for real communication in English. Over time, I became involved in the executive committee and have held various positions: secretary, publicity chair, newsletter liaison, etc.

However, I have received far more than just language practice in JALT. It has broadened my views on language teaching, given me the courage to try out new methods, taught me countless classroom tips, and best of all, I have had the immeasurable joy of befriending so many wonderful people. Never had I imagined that people from such different backgrounds could work so harmoniously together. This is where I have learned what global education is, through the warm hearts of my chapter's truly global citizens.

JALT has also led me to other inspiring encounters. Encouraged by chapter members, I won an essay contest sponsored by the British Council and studied for three weeks under Penny Ur, with whom I had a moving re-encounter two years ago during the JALT97 Four Corners Tour. I have been motivated to speak more English in class. Ideas from chapter meetings now make up the core of my teaching. I am here because JALT is here.

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